Past visitors wrote:
Mark,Set,Go! Sun, 12 Sep 2010 03:49:43 GMT -5
My friend gave me the article quoted below.All she said was 'it's about a swimmer and aviation safety.' Such a combination brought my immediate response 'Great! It's about time the swimmers got publicity instead of the football team!! We're much prettier!!! Now that I know the content, I would like to offer this healing hope to Lorin's family , acquaintenances.At my aunt and uncle's 50th wedding anniversary my aunt said to me, 'isn't it pleasant to have Mark here'? As my awakened memory scanned the room for a ghostly figure of Mark, my aunt directed me to a cherished memorial picture of my cousin Mark who died at the stellar age of 20.Remembering all her agony,intensely shed tears I softly asked my aunt 'how do you feel about this?'Tenderly she touched a crystalized tear at the corner of her eye smiled and whispered,'see that young man over there. Doesn't he look just like Mark?' My gaze left her gently smiling face and traveled to the handsome young man. God in His Mercy had given them a very similar looking sports star 15 year old grandson.I never knew your Lorin but as a swimmer ,too, I know she left her " mark, set, go" on the world around her!I'll be writing my Senators for as we say here-- "Swimmers go the distance". May Jesus commend your Lorin to GOD. Sheila Stewart Atlanta Georgia
Long Distance Swimmer Sun, 12 Sep 2010 02:19:35 GMT -5
Dear Family,Relatives,Friends of Lorin Maurer.
The engrossing Good Housekeeping article Oct.2010 covering your sterling successes to win passage of legislation for aviation safety are sincerely welcomed by all flyers.When her mother knew that 26 seconds was equal to two laps of the regulation pool my heart cried out for the loss of such a toned, elegant swimmer.My sincere condolences and heartfelt sympathies pondering a life well-lived are extended.May God Bless you and abundantly meet your needs.Joanne , Atlanta, Georgia
Timetotravel Mon, 16 Aug 2010 02:26:34 GMT -5
I love to travel and write guides for people so they can get the best experience possible
Travel Guide
MOM Thu, 12 Aug 2010 16:04:04 GMT -5
It's hard to believe that it has been 1 1/2 years since you were taken away for all who loved you. I try to be thankful for a beautiful day and to be alive. Somedays it is challenging because I will never see your smiling face, hear your voice or be able to give you a hug and watch you continue to enjoy life as you did for 30 years. I cherish every moment that we spent together and smile and cry when I think of all our wonderful memories. I miss you so much and I want you to know that yesterday, today and everyday I will always love you!
Dad Wed, 11 Aug 2010 15:01:42 GMT -5
Another day is passing without seeing you. Tomorrow will be 1 1/2 yrs since your accident. Seems like yesterday to us. I think of you often throughout the day to include many of my lectures to which you had a great patented response, "OK Dad". Sorry, but that is what Dad's do. I miss you and LOVE you dearly.
Sundy Updike Tue, 29 Jun 2010 10:05:56 GMT -5
Hi, I am the flight attendant you meet on your flight on June 28...ATL to GSP. Thank you for sharing this website of your beautiful daughter; she will inspire me to live my life to the fullest. I wish you and your family lots of happy memories that will bring you peace.
"Chopper Chuck" Regner Tue, 25 May 2010 21:51:34 GMT -5
I just caught the documentary "Flying Cheap" on Frontline's website, and felt that the documentary provided an excellent insight into the the current compromised state of the nation's airline industry. I am a news helicopter photographer in Maryland, and the pilot I fly with has been flying for over 40 years: I've learned a great deal about 'flying safe' through him. I will be joing your group as a result of watching this documentary, and I am terribly sorry for your loss.
Hugh Boyle Fri, 21 May 2010 00:30:28 GMT -5
Hello Scott,
Just wanted to drop a note to day I enjoyed meeting you on the plane from DC to Charlotte. I hope you and the others are successful in your efforts!
Toast Mon, 17 May 2010 10:00:31 GMT -5
2 weeks to Indy. As we try to figure out the logistics of the weekend, all I can think is that it will never be the same without you. You will forever be there in spirit though. Once again, we will raise a glass of Moon Juice in your honor.
LaDonna Oldham Wed, 12 May 2010 14:49:20 GMT -5
I teach at Samnorwood Elementary with Colby Auld. I know he was a dear friend of Lorin. He has shared her life and the tragedy that took her life with not only the teachers but also the students at our school. What an incredible young woman. I pray for healing for her family and friends.
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